Important Update
St. Jane Frances Parish Temporarily Closed Until Tuesday, April 6, 2021
March 26, 2021
To the faithful parishioners of St. Jane Frances,
We wish to thank all of you for your assistance in implementing our Return to Church health and safety measures. It is very much appreciated.
Unfortunately, in the past 24 hours, several members of our pastoral team here at the parish have tested positive for Covid-19. Those with positive tests are not experiencing significant symptoms and are currently in a period of self-isolation.
Given the exposure and risks associated with transmission, the priests in residence, myself included, must now self-isolate for a period of up to 14 days. Out of an abundance of caution, the archdiocese has asked that we temporarily close the parish.
This is especially painful as we prepare for Holy Week but the health and safety of our parishioners and the team serving all of you remain our primary concern. We anticipate re-opening the church for public Mass on Tuesday, April 6, 2021. If the situation changes for any reason, we will provide an update.
While the risk of transmission is very low, at this time, we ask that all parishioners continue to self-monitor for symptoms. As we have said in the past, if you are not feeling well or experiencing Covid-19 symptoms, please stay home, consult with your family doctor or consider getting tested for Covid-19.
A self-assessment tool can be found by visiting: You can also contact the Toronto Public Health Hotline at (416) 338-7600 between 8:30 a.m. – 8 p.m. if you have questions about Covid-19. Translation is available in multiple languages.
St. Michael’s Cathedral Basilica will livestream the daily Mass and all Holy Week services at:
We will also make every effort to maintain our livestream during Holy Week – the feed can be accessed at:
We apologize for the inconvenience and frustration this will no doubt cause during these holy days. Know that you will remain close in prayer in a particular way over the next week. May God continue to bless you.
Rev. Charles Grech, OFM